Where to Fish

This is one of the most diverse regions in the lake with the deepest waters, steep drop offs, rocky bottoms, and shallows. Along Gate Rd Point, the coastline is covered with docks and fallen trees that provide cover while the bottom quickly drops off. This combination makes one of the best spots in the lake. Deeper in the cove, the water gets shallow and muddier, making it a great spot for bluegill, pickerels, and largemouth bass. A small cove near the public docks is covered in stumps and lily pads, which can be great for bass. In the corner with the spillway, catfish and panfish can be found amongst lily pads. The rocks along the dam drop off into deep water making good habitat for smallmouth bass. In the middle, you will find some of the deepest water in the lake where slow trolling or jigging should produce crappie and walleye while live bait can work for catfish or panfish. Deep water combined with structure along the coast combines to be one of the best places in the lake.